Catholic Faith family God Spiritual Renewal

Busy People

We are busy, busy, busy, aren’t we – especially in summer. The retired parishioners who come into the office can make my head spin, when they regale me with their ongoing concerns. I’m afraid to retire, I don’t think I could keep up the pace they have set for themselves. We have parishioners who farm – their days are long and demanding and I can’t even imagine how they do it. My life seems tranquil compared to so many in our faith community, but it wasn’t always.

When my kids were young, I was involved in every organization they took part in, as well as a few of my own – if an executive needed members, I stepped up. I ran myself ragged with work, kids, running them to their activities and, consequently, going to lots of meetings.

With age we tend to gain wisdom; we know our limits; we better focus our interests, our talents and our energy. Well, some of us do, and with the rest of us it takes longer to find that focus. It has taken me a long time. I once wrote a missive for the bulletin in which I said, “I run, but I’m not an athlete, I write, but I’m not a writer…” well, I have since changed my thinking on that score.

I’ve decided to train for a ½ marathon this summer; I told my writing group that I will have my novel finished (at least the 5th draft) by the time my grandchild is born in September. And, speaking of said grandchild…I have three knitting projects on the go for the new baby. I am well aware that my pastime activities are not as noble as so many of yours are. But my running raises funds for the hospital and cancer research; my knitting seems to make my daughters-in-law very happy…and my writing, well, that’s something I am compelled to do. This summer I have raised the bar on all of these pursuits, which throws me into doubt from time to time. Will I get everything done I have set out to do? Maybe not. The difference between my earlier self and now is that I have a better sense of balance.

Things fall apart pretty quickly when we lack balance, and I’m not talking about getting plenty of rest and eating properly. Our spiritual well-being and our prayer life are an essential part of a balanced life. If they’re not, we lose a sense of peace within.  Without prayer, reflection, contemplation and a faith community to bolster us – our busyness can deplete us and leave us without true purpose. Take a step back, sit in church, reflect… Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46.10

By admin

Finally putting myself out there (coming out of the closet, so to speak) as a writer. For many years I have been writing reflections for our Catholic church bulletin and I've decided to share them beyond our little community.

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