
Let go and let God

Indian Gardensa woman’s perspective

Let go and let God…we’ve all heard that sage piece of advise. We’ve probably used it – to help ourselves, or someone else, working through difficult times.  But what does it really mean to us?  Often, when I’m fretting about something, I tell myself to ‘let go and let God.’  But do I really do that?  Do you?

It occurred to me recently, that I’m very selective about what I turn over to God.  ‘It’s ok,’ I might as well be saying, ‘I’ve got it now, I can take it from here.’  Really?  When I’ve got my head on straight, I realize that God does not do things in half measures, but you know what?  He’s not going to argue about it.  ‘You’ve got it?  Fine, go for it,’ is how I imagine him replying (probably with the tiniest smirk).  We’re like children, aren’t we, thinking we can do everything ourselves.  Picture a child carrying something far too heavy for their size and stature.  They’re stubborn though, insisting they’re big enough to carry their load…until the overwhelming weight of the thing stops them dead in their tracks, forcing them to admit defeat.  That’s us!  And it’s laughable, the way we think we can do everything for ourselves.  But, just as we are, or were, with our own children, God is patient with us; waiting for us to turn our minds and hearts back to him.  He’s there, always, to pick up the pieces and set us straight, once again.

So why fret?  Why struggle?  Why can’t we just let go…and let God direct the course of events with which we’ve been wrestling?  It goes along the same lines as the way we pray.  We pray for this and we pray for that, very specifically, instead of praying for the strength and courage to accept and follow God’s will.

“Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God,” said Saint Ignatius of Loyola.  Wouldn’t it just be so easy, uncomplicated and freeing to let God pilot our course?  I say this as if it’s the way I live my life.  Oh if that were true.  I will reiterate…I’m selective about what I let God pilot, and even then, I want to be co-pilot!  This is why prayer is essential to our wellbeing.  It centers us, puts us back on the right track with our Lord and helps us to see the bigger picture.  So, let’s think twice when we go to sit in that driver’s seat (so to speak) and defer to the one who truly is in control at all times.  We just might enjoy the ride.

By admin

Finally putting myself out there (coming out of the closet, so to speak) as a writer. For many years I have been writing reflections for our Catholic church bulletin and I've decided to share them beyond our little community.

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