Advent Catholic Faith family Humor love Prayer

Time for a Change

Look back, way back, to Christmases past. Do you have fond memories of Christmases that you share with your children, your grandchildren? Was last Christmas like those of, say 20 years ago? Of course not. Why? Because things change, situations change…and we adapt.

When my sons were in their teens, I told them they would never have to race around the country side on Christmas day, rushing to visit in-laws and us all in one day. That was something we never had to do and I told them I would not subject them to it. They stared at me blankly at the time. A decade later, when my husband and I found ourselves alone one Christmas day, I thought I would die. I didn’t. I adapted.

I’ve never been overly fond of dogs, though my husband loves them and so do our sons. Now when we all gather, there are four dogs in our midst. I’ve adapted.

I love to bake and I love getting both our sons and their families together –they are all vegans now and cooking, especially baking, is a challenge for me when they come to the house, but I’ve adapted (sort of).

When you think back on your life and how it’s changed over the years, do you consider your faith? Do you practice your faith in the same way you did 20 years ago? During this busy, hectic, shortened Advent season, take a long slow breath and reflect on that. In this last little bit of time left before we celebrate the birth of our Lord, find the time to read scripture, listen with greater care. Do the words strike you differently than they have in the past? Times change, but God is constant. He reaches out to us, calling us to live our faith more deeply; to pay greater attention to the path he is calling us to. Let us adapt to his will in this new Church year!

Advent Catholic family love


Advent is a time of expectant anticipation.  But, oh, we are an impatient age.  Even those of us who are older, we are no longer content to wait for anything.  So what do we do with Advent?  Has it lost its significance in our lives?   We’re supposed to fill this time of waiting with prayer and reflection…but, if you’re like me, it’s filled with preparations for Christmas – and not so much for the blessed nativity, but in shopping, baking and the writing of Christmas cards.  How did this happen…and why?  It seems everything that humankind gets involved in becomes inflated and out of control.  Is it too late to turn this around?  Can we just decide to stop the madness and dole out lots of love and rejoice in the nativity of the Lord and call that Christmas?

Yes, we can…we don’t though, because there are children and grandchildren to consider.  But are we underestimating our offspring with that kind of thinking?  This past summer, both of our sons, along with their spouses, bought new homes.  They are busy with renovations and improvements and both families came to the conclusion that, since we would all be together at Christmas, wasn’t that gift enough?  Let’s get gifts for the children and let’s have our gathering together be gift for the rest of us.

I was actually the only one to protest – But can’t I knit things?

Oh yes, my daughters-in-law eagerly replied, but let’s not spend money on extravagant gifts.  That warmed my heart and gave me hope!

Let’s take time this Advent season, to consider what Christmas really means to us.  Let’s stop the madness where we can and fill these days with a bit of peace and joyful anticipation and preparation for the coming of our Lord!