coping Faith God love Prayer Spiritual Renewal Stength Trust

The Nature of Things

The heavens are telling the glory of God

And all creation is shouting for joy.

Come dance in the forest, come play in the fields

And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord.

My heart was bursting with this hymn the other morning on my run.  The sky was azure blue, birds’ song filled the air, the temperature was perfect.

If only every day was like that.  Then there are those ‘why me, Lord?’ kind of days that go downhill from breakfast, or the morning commute.  Life can get pretty hectic, chaotic even.  We get tired and grouchy and we just want the world to stop.  That’s a natural reaction to a day gone wrong.  But that’s exactly the time to turn to others; concentrate on the needs of others.  If we would just open our eyes and look around us, we’d see family members, friends, and acquaintances struggling with far greater concerns.  Some are plagued with money troubles, others marital difficulties and then there are those with life-threatening illnesses – some are facing many of these things all at once.  We have all been witness to those who have endured one trial after another and we wonder how they do it.  How do they go on, stay sane, maintain their dignity, hold their heads high?

There’s an age-old expression that tells us God never gives us more than he feels we can handle.  This is actually believed to be a twisted paraphrasing of 1 Corinthians 10:13. “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone.  God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.”

Open SkiesSadly, some can’t endure it.  They are struck down and never seem to recover.  Then there are those who bounce back, get up on their feet again and again, ever moving forward.   They are truly blessed because they know that God will not test them beyond their strength; they trust that their burdens are not unlike others and God will help them through, he will provide them with a way out.  They know love.   Surely, I could not deal with all they’re going through, we say to ourselves.  But we could.  We have.  We are those people – when we trust in the love that is God…and sing – sing to the glory of the Lord.

By admin

Finally putting myself out there (coming out of the closet, so to speak) as a writer. For many years I have been writing reflections for our Catholic church bulletin and I've decided to share them beyond our little community.

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